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Why Become a VIP?

Our goal is to create a fun, professional, dynamic work environment for all our VIP’s. We know our shit, we support each other and are constantly learning, adapting, and keeping an open door policy and invite all questions and improvements within the office.

On top of that :

  • Annual Company Trip
  • Snacks, drinks, and fresh fruits always available at the office
  • Young, fun, international team
  • Inviting, fun, dynamic office enviroment
  • Take a break, and play a round of pool, ping-pong or FIFA during your day any time
  • Start of the month parties each first Friday, filled with food, team bonding, board games and plenty of drinks

Let's Work

VIP Response B.V.
Parijsboulevard 143D
3541 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands
[email protected]
+31 (0) 30 8100 300
© 2011 – 2024 VIPRESPONSE