Marketing Calendar — How To Plan Your Business

28 апреля, 2022
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28 апреля, 2022 [email protected]

From the beginning, a company’s marketing entails juggling a lot of moving elements. As a firm grows, those moving pieces proliferate, and before you know it, you’ve got sticky notes all over the place and your daily calendar is overflowing.

As a result, a strategic calendar is an important aspect of every marketing department’s daily operations. An effective, efficient, and responsive marketing calendar will assist you in keeping track of all of those moving pieces, allowing you to fulfill all deadlines and ensuring that your team and company progress throughout the year.

A campaign calendar will help you stay organized and on top of your marketing techniques if you’re investing in marketing initiatives. However, if you don’t know how to plan a marketing calendar, you can find it difficult to put it to good use. Fortunately, we have the resources to assist you in creating a useful campaign calendar.

What Is A Marketing Calendar?

A marketing calendar is a document that brings all your marketing activities together in one place. It lets you see which campaigns are running, who is responsible for them, and when they are due.

It’s a vital tool for the smooth operation of any marketing team, enabling you to plan ahead, manage your time and resources efficiently, and coordinate all members of the team.

A marketing calendar template will give you an overview of your:

  • Marketing goals — What are the end goals of your promotional efforts? Typically, this will increase sales/profitability, but there may also be other goals such as building awareness or increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Marketing campaigns — What campaigns will you run and what channels will you use? For example, email campaigns, social media contests, or in-store events. These campaigns should be linked back to one or more of your marketing goals and objectives.
  • Tasks  — What needs to get done in order for your ad campaign to be successful? This might include writing blog posts, designing email templates, creating social media graphics, etc.

A marketing Plan calendar will help you with:

  • Managing your time by letting you see what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and who is responsible for it.
  • Make sure that all elements of your promotional campaign work together in an integrated way.
  • Ensuring that every member of the team knows what they need to do and when.

Why Does One Need A Marketing Calendar?

At first glance, the idea of making a comprehensive list of every single thing you’re going to do for your business might seem like a waste of time. But the truth is that planning is essential for successful marketing, and a planning calendar is the best way to make sure your plans actually come together.

Let’s get one thing out of the way: Nobody likes strict schedules. They can be too rigid, too inflexible, and they can limit your ability to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. The good news is that a business calendar doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be that way — it should always be flexible enough to allow you to adjust when something changes or goes wrong.

But flexibility doesn’t mean not planning at all. 

An online business plan is all about giving yourself a framework so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day — but still have room to respond if something unexpected happens.

Importance Of A Marketing Campaign Calendar

  • Marketing calendars help you stay organized

Imagine organizing a sales team meeting without any written agenda or reminders. You’d probably forget to let people know about it, and when they show up on the day of the meeting, they won’t know what they’re supposed to be doing.

Now imagine what it would be like if you didn’t have a way to keep track of all of your business activities? You’d have no idea where you’re going, what everyone in the team is doing at any given point, and whether or not your campaigns are successful.

A strategic plan keeps everything in check. It lets you organize all of your marketing activities across all channels so that everything is managed effectively and efficiently.

  • Keeps Your Content High-Quality

You might think that it’s not a big deal if you don’t have a plan, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t take the time to plan out your content, you’ll end up cutting corners. That means that you’ll be putting out low-quality content that won’t do anything for your business.

When you have it, you can see when you need to work on projects, so you won’t be rushed. That way, your content quality stays high and doesn’t suffer as a result of your busy schedule!

  • Keeps Your Content Regular And Consistent

You’ll be able to deliver your content at a steady pace thanks to a content calendar. By keeping your content regular and consistent, you’ll be able to improve your readership engagement.

  • Makes It Easier To Scale Your Business

When you have all of your important business dates in one place, it will be much easier for you to scale your business (and add new team members). You won’t need to worry about forgetting something important again!

  • A collaborative calendar will help with collaboration

When multiple people are working on the same project, it can often be difficult to keep track of everything that is happening. It helps to make collaboration easier because everyone knows when their work needs to be completed. This also helps with delegation too because you don’t have to worry as much about people being overloaded with work. Everyone knows what they are responsible for, so they can complete their tasks more efficiently.

  • Marketing Campaign calendars build more cohesive campaigns

These calendars give everyone on your team a clear overview of what’s coming up so they can plan their time and resources accordingly. This helps you create a more polished final product — with fewer missed deadlines, last-minute requests, or duplicated efforts. It’s also great for ensuring well-rounded campaigns that incorporate different kinds of content at the right times.

  • Marketing calendars are time-savers

A business schedule acts as a reminder for upcoming events and tasks so nothing falls through the cracks. It can also save time when it comes to planning your editorial calendar and creating content. You’ll know exactly what types of content you’ll need in advance, which ensures that you aren’t scrambling to create something at the last minute.

  • Advertising calendars allow you to plan ahead

You’ll always be prepared for upcoming events, so you can use your time more efficiently and avoid last-minute scrambles.

You’ll be able to plan out your campaign weeks (or even months) in advance and stay on track with deadlines.

It helps keep everyone on the same page when it comes to what needs to be done next and by whom. This will reduce confusion among team members, which can lead to fewer mistakes being made in the future!

How To Create A Marketing Calendar?

Now that you’ve figured out what to use your social media planning for and how you want it to look, let’s talk about how to actually fill it in.

  • Choose where you’re going to host your calendar.

If you’re a WordPress user, then we have a plugin that will help you create and manage a content calendar. But if not, then you can create one for free in Google Calendar or in Excel.

  • Establish your target audience

The first step in building a strategy schedule is to determine who you are trying to reach. If you don’t know your target audience, your product or service will be inefficient and not effective for the consumers as it will not meet their needs.

Spend some time identifying what makes up your target audience by asking questions like:

  • Their age, gender, location, and income level
  • Their goals and challenges
  • Are they searching online?
  • What kind of content do they consume?

These questions will give you a better idea of who you’re targeting with your content, which in turn makes it much easier for you to create relevant content that actually resonates with them.

  • Decide on the level of detail you want to include in your calendar.

You can break down your tasks by the week, by the day, or even by the hour. Determine what works best for your business and how often you’ll be updating it. We recommend adding content to your calendar at least once per week, but every day is ideal. Just remember that this process doesn’t have to take more than 30 minutes at a time!

  • Add deadlines and key dates to your calendar first.

Next, fill in recurring blog posts and promote activities like email campaigns and social media posts. (We have an entire guide on social media scheduling that can help!) Then add any other important items like blog post ideas, videos, lead magnets/freebies, podcasts or webinars.

  • Chart your selling cycle

Each industry has its own selling cycle or a sequence of events through which leads move through on the path to becoming customers. The customer experience follows a typical path: awareness, interest, evaluation, purchase, and support. Each of these steps are reflected in the content you produce during the campaign. The content calendar should be planned around those steps and the time it takes to move through them. For example, if it takes several months for your leads to become customers, plan out the information they need at each step along the way to guide them toward a sale.

  • Determine the team members involved

It’s important to know who is going to be working on each project. This makes it easier for everyone involved to understand what they’re responsible for and by when. It also helps you gain visibility into any potential bottlenecks in the process.

  • Consider applicable themes and seasons

What holidays are coming up for your industry? What about other less-obvious seasonal changes that might impact your business or make for good advertising themes, like the changing of the weather, back-to-school, etc.?

  • Choose event frequency

Are you going to send out one email per week or per month? Will it be the same day each time or will it vary? What about social media posts? If you’re only sending one email per month, there’s no need to create every single post in advance. But if you’re sending emails once per week, consider creating all 12 emails in advance. Social media posts take much less time to create and can be done more on a whim.

Bottom Line

Advertising can be done in multiple ways, but figuring out a strategy that works for your own business is fundamental. By planning different activities to boost your company’s visibility, you can ensure that you are reaching the right audience at the right time and avoiding any unnecessary costs. You can check any marketing calendar example available on the Internet to get an idea. 

This is a planning template for marketing managers, coordinators, and others whose profession is related to marketing.

 It gives a complete guide on how to develop a calendar, as well as plan activities of different teams and make sure that tasks are not overlapping each other


What is a marketing calendar?

A marketing calendar is a planning tool that allows you to visualize and track all your marketing activities in one place. It helps you to coordinate your marketing efforts, ensure consistency across different channels, and measure the effectiveness of your strategies

Why is a marketing calendar important for my business?

A marketing calendar helps you to plan and manage your marketing activities more efficiently. It gives you a clear overview of your marketing plans, helps you to align your marketing efforts with your business goals, and allows you to measure and improve the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

How can I create an effective marketing calendar?

To create an effective marketing calendar, you should first identify your business goals and marketing objectives. Then, map out your marketing activities for each channel in line with these objectives. Be sure to include key dates, deliverables, and the responsible team members. Regularly reviewing and updating your marketing calendar will also help to ensure its effectiveness.

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