Best Pay Per Call Affiliate Programs and Networks

Marzo 13, 2023
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Marzo 13, 2023 [email protected]

Have you been thinking about increasing your internet earnings? Well, there’s no better option than to use Pay Per Call Affiliate Networks. 

Pay Per Call Networks are a rich source of online income that has gained much popularity recently. Yet, some people are still a bit clueless about what Pay Per Call marketing is and how it works. 

For starters, it’s an affiliate program that works on the basis of customer calling services. Dynamically, Pay per call affiliate programs generate true authentic leads via driving inbound calls and converting them into customers. 

Wanna know how Pay Per Call can be useful to you? Let’s start by understanding Pay Per Call and how it works. 

What are Affiliate Programs?

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing hack in which a company rewards affiliates (publishers or influencers) for each customer or sale they bring to the company.

Business owners are always on the hunt to find new buyer prospects all over the world. They make heavy investments for advertising their brand on various online platforms. How do they do it? 

  • Run marketing campaigns
  • Invest in advertisements
  • Promote affiliate programs, etc. 


Affiliate programs are basically commission-based honest marketing strategies. It’s a very effective way for businesses to achieve more sales while paying little for commission. But that little commission can go as high as making a few hundred dollars in a short span. 

Now, what’s your part in it? You can be a part of their advertising and affiliate programs by contributing to the Pay Per Call networks.

What are Pay Per Call Networks?

All the major brands showcase their business products to the audience using multiple monetization methods. This includes, advertising their business, creating affiliation with websites, offering cost per lead offers, and using the best Pay Per Call affiliate programs.

In terms of affiliate programs, you get commission when you provide a lead to the business. Similarly, if you’re bringing a true customer lead inspired via calls, it is included in the Pay Per Call Affiliate Networks

So, what exactly is a “Pay Per Call Network” ?

Pay per call network is basically a tool used for advertising a business product and generating new customer leads through direct inbound customer phone calls.

These direct inbound calls of potential customers help to break the ice between their favorite brands. It provides a means to reduce communication gap, and get to know about the brand deeply. 

How do Pay Per Call Affiliate Networks work? 

Pay Per Call affiliate networks connect people directly to the business products they may need. Customers find what they like and hit the call button to directly contact the firm. 

Brands seek high lead magnets, converting them into true buyers which is the real deal here. So naturally, the Pay Per Call networks help the brand create new leads to produce more sales for businesses. 

Dynamically, Pay per call affiliate programs present limitless opportunities for a business to grow. Not only can a business increase lead scores but acquire high conversion rates through inbound calls. 

With that, the affiliates and publishers get a chance to boost their own self-growth from the commission they receive for every lead generated. Both the parties make good revenue streams from a simple marketing strategy of using Pay Per Call networks.

It’s amazing how the Pay Per Call Affiliate programs provide the easiest means of communication “inbound calling”  to bridge the gap and benefit multiple prospects all at once. 

Best Pay Per Call Affiliate Programs that you should check out NOW. 

Business owners and advertisers pay handsomely for hot leads. The trick is sifting through the dirt to find real gold. Affiliated earning via Pay Per Call affiliate networks is a gold mine for affiliates. 

VIPResponse is the Top Dog

Wanna know where you can find the best Pay Per Call affiliate programs deal? Check out VIP RESPONSE website and register for their VIP Pay Per Call affiliate programs.

You’d be amazed to find out how quickly you can make some handsome amount of money. It’s all based on affiliate commission. So, the more inbound caller leads you generate for them, the more commission you will get out of your deal. It’s a WIN-WIN for both. 

So register today and start making easy cash via best Pay Per Call affiliate networks. 

Let’s take a look at some of the other alternatives that also provide good affiliate networks.

No. Network Name Products Commission Payout Frequency Payment Methods
1 Best Deal VipResponse Various $5 – $120 Weekly Bank transfer, PayPal, check
2 Offervault Various Up to $1700 per sale Depends on the chosen offer Depends on the chosen offer
3 Astoria Company Professional and household services $2.10 – $210 per lead Monthly PayPal, Wire, direct bank deposit
4 Aragon Advertising Various Up to $100 per call Monthly/Bi-annually/Annually PayPal, Wire transfer
5 Paychex Payroll and HR services $75 per call Up to 90 days (3 months) Check, direct bank deposit, Payoneer
6 Goojibear Household and professional services $90 per lead ($15 per call) Bi-weekly Wire, PayPal, Payoneer
7 Click Dealer Adult dating content primarily $2 – $20 per lead Timely payouts with bonuses Wire, Payoneer, PayPal, Paxum, ePayments, Webmoney
8 PX (formerly ReviMedia) Household and financial services Up to $125 per lead Monthly/Bi-annually PayPal, check, direct bank transfer
9 Digital Market Media Various Up to $250 per sale Quick Paypal, Wire, direct bank deposit
10 National Debt Relief Debt relief $27.5 per call Monthly Check, direct bank deposit


1. Marketcall 

Marketcall is one of the second best pay per call networks after VIPResponse, used for affiliate marketing. Platform that helps businesses to create and manage their affiliate programs

Signing up for their affiliate program, you are rewarded with comprehensive call tracking technology as a bonus.

Plus, you also get easy access to useful promotional materials, create Pay Per Call network links to publish, build healthy relationship with various business firms, earn handsome commissions and easily track your earnings through the Marketcall platform


2. Offervault

Using the effective idea of Offervault affiliation, many affiliate websites can sign up for their Pay Per Call affiliate programs

With Offervault, you get a unique search engine for browsing through numerous Pay Per Call networks and in-house affiliate programs. You can simply look for the affiliate category that suits you and focus your time and energy on generating leads.

Find yourself an up-to-date offer of their best Pay Per Call affiliate campaigns and enroll yourself to enjoy the charming wealth awaiting you


3. Astoria Company

Leading the performance marketing industry for almost 10 years now, Astoria company has the third best pay per call networks collection.

The company has over 200 enticing  Pay Per Call affiliate network offers belonging to multiple different niches. You can choose to affiliate with the online education sector, solar energy sector, legal finance service like auto insurance, mortgage, and payday loans.

The company focuses on getting B2C leads and offers detailed tracking services for loyal affiliate publishers. The only thing that limits you is the location since the company only operates in the United States.


4. Aragon Advertising 

Ranking as the top Pay Per Call networks, Aragon Advertising offers an award-winning affiliate program for all. Presenting globally active affiliation, Aragon advertising has been helping businesses since 2012.

With numerous active niches, affiliates may choose from household services to legal advisory, from financial tax debts to life and health insurance, from wildlife to tech sectors. Hundreds of different Pay Per Call verticals are accessible at your fingertips.

Whether you’re running an affiliate site or own a call center, you can sign up for their Pay Per Call affiliate program to handle inbound calls using toll-free numbers and get paid in dollars 


5. Paychex

Paychex is a working company that has its roots growing into the employment sector. It provides payroll, HR, and employee management services to businesses. 

You can sign-up for their supportive affiliate program if you’re using their performance services. The in-demand affiliation offers high conversion rates and generous payouts

Using the inbound Pay Per Call affiliations, you will benefit from their financial stability and working efficiency. You can effectively save much time and focus your attention towards generating useful leads for your business.


6. Goojibear

Goojibear has an undeniable presence in the digital marketing sector mainly associated with lead generation via Pay Per Call networks affiliation.

Specially focused on mobile optimization, their affiliate program primarily works on inbound calling for finding true leads. The program covers various verticals under the huge banner of services including payday loans, car insurance, pest control, legal services, astrology readings, etc.

Goojibear works internationally to serve people with hundreds of amazing affiliate offers promoting PPCall at an average rate of about $15 per call.


7. Click Dealer

Next we have one of the best Pay Per Call affiliate networks, Click Dealer. It is a historical site that has over a decade of profound industry experience. 

They have been running the Pay Per Call affiliate networks for inbound customer-generated calls for decades. Currently, they are offering over 2,000 different advertisement offers to all the affiliate publishers to find one in their favorite niche.

Click Dealer has a variety of niches available including Ecom, Nutraceuticals, Adult dating, Mobile app subscriptions, Sweepstakes, Responsible Gambling etc.

The market is huge and offers unlimited opportunities to earn millions via targeted Pay Per Call affiliate marketing campaigns.


8. PX (ReviMedia) 

Do you know about the PX? Well, look it up now because PX, formerly called ReviMedia, also offers great Pay Per Call affiliate programs with an interesting twist of running a lead market.

Yes, lead markets exist everywhere working both publicly and privately to benefit brands, publishers, advertisers and of course Affiliates.

The PX affiliate program called “Open Exchange” presents hundreds of affiliation packages in 15 different niches of insurance, finance and household services.

Their Pay Per Call affiliate services lets you build a successful earning stream online with only a little knowledge about tech marketing.


9. Digital Market Media

Digital market media offers yet another series of amazing Pay Per Call Affiliate programs. As the name suggests, the platform is mainly involved with managing the digital media presence of their clients in the market.

The platform itself has a prominent portfolio of generating many successful leads. The team profoundly qualifies in generating good revenue via inbound calling as it is their strongest suit.

They have a simple yet powerful affiliate program that works faster than you can think. All they need are sales conversions and referrals. The more the better! 

You get Strict Anti-fraud Controls, Quick payments, and multiple other profitable verticals if you enroll for affiliation. 


10. National Debt Relief

National Debt Relief is another one of the public service platforms that provides their affiliate program for Pay Per Call Network partnership. The platform is actually based on debt consolidation services that has helped up to 34 thousand people.

It’s definitely a worthy affiliate program since the platform itself acts as a lead magnet. The platform doesn’t need to find clients but clients look for the platform. 

The platform provides debt consolidation service in which the clients can combine their smaller scattered debts into a single monthly payout. This way they won’t forget to pay their monthly installment or miss their deadlines. Plus, the company also helps to renegotiate the existing debt to decrease the financial burden on clients.

As the target audience is already diving deep to find a solution, they wouldn’t give a second thought when dialing. So, earning huge sums of commission would be a piece of cake.


Our advice: if you want to jump into the affiliate programs, make sure you have sound knowledge about all the Pay Per Call networks. Find your favorite niche and dive in to score generous figures using the inbound affiliate programs. It’s high time you learn the right skills and make the most of online marketing. If you want the best quality calls and campaigns, check out ​​ We handle the design, the content writing, and the technical setup – so you can focus on sales!

Benefits of PPC Affiliate Marketing

Pay Per Call (PPC) affiliate marketing presents a dynamic and lucrative opportunity for affiliates and advertisers alike. With the growing reliance on mobile devices and the increasing demand for immediate customer service, PPC stands out as an efficient way to connect high-intent customers with businesses. Unlike traditional affiliate marketing that primarily relies on clicks or form submissions, PPC emphasizes direct communication through phone calls, leading to higher conversion rates and more substantial commissions. This mode of affiliate marketing not only provides immediacy and personalization but also streamlines the pathway to generating meaningful connections and profits. In the following sections, we will delve into the specific advantages that make PPC affiliate marketing a highly effective strategy in today’s competitive market landscape.

  • High conversion rates: Pay Per Call affiliate marketing has proven to have higher conversion rates compared to traditional online advertising methods. This is because the potential customers are already interested in the product or service and are actively seeking it out by making a call.
  • Generous payouts: Many Pay Per Call networks offer generous payouts for every successful call generated. This can result in high earning potential for affiliates who successfully drive quality calls to their partner brands.
  • Diverse niches: There is a wide range of niches available for affiliates to choose from, allowing them to find one that aligns with their interests and expertise. This also means that there is a large pool of potential customers for affiliates to target.
  • Targeted marketing: Pay Per Call affiliate marketing allows for highly targeted marketing campaigns, as affiliates can choose specific demographics and geographic locations to target with their promotions. This results in better quality leads and higher conversion rates.
  • Simplified tracking and reporting: Many Pay Per Call networks provide affiliates with easy-to-use tracking tools and real-time reporting, making it simple to track the success of their campaigns and optimize them accordingly.
  • No technical skills required: Unlike other forms of online advertising, PPC Affiliate Marketing does not require any technical skills or knowledge. Affiliates can easily sign up for a network and start promoting offers without the need for coding or web design.
  • Passive income potential: Once an affiliate successfully sets up and promotes their campaigns, they can continue to earn passive income from each call generated. This can result in a steady stream of income over time, even without actively working on new promotions.
  • Strong support system: Many Pay Per Call networks provide affiliates with dedicated support teams who are available to assist with any questions or issues that may arise. This helps create a supportive environment for affiliates to succeed in their marketing efforts.

 Challenges of PPC Affiliate Marketing

While Pay Per Call (PPC) affiliate marketing offers numerous benefits and lucrative opportunities, it is not without its challenges. Affiliates entering this space must be prepared to navigate various obstacles to achieve success. From finding high-quality traffic sources to managing call rejection rates, the landscape can be complex and demanding. Understanding these challenges is essential for affiliates who wish to maximize their campaigns’ effectiveness and sustain profitability. In the following sections, we will explore the common hurdles faced in PPC affiliate marketing and provide insights on how to overcome them.

  • High competition: With the increasing popularity of Pay Per Call affiliate marketing, there is also a rise in competition among affiliates. This means that it can be challenging to stand out and attract quality leads.
  • Need for constant optimization: In order to ensure successful campaigns, affiliates need to constantly optimize their strategies and promotions. This requires time and effort to track performance and make necessary adjustments.
  • Dependence on network policies: As an affiliate, you are bound by the policies and rules set by the Pay Per Call network you are partnered with. This can limit your flexibility in promoting offers or creating campaigns.
  • Technical glitches: While Pay Per Call networks provide tracking tools, technical glitches can occur and affect the accuracy of reports. This can be frustrating for affiliates who rely on accurate data to make informed decisions.
  • Potential for fraud: As with any form of online advertising, there is always a risk of fraud or fraudulent calls that can impact the success and payouts of an affiliate’s campaigns. It is important to work with trustworthy networks and constantly monitor for any suspicious activity.

Top Pay Per Call Affiliate Networks

Choosing the right Pay Per Call affiliate network is crucial for maximizing your marketing efforts and ensuring consistent, profitable results. These networks serve as intermediaries, connecting affiliates with advertisers who offer lucrative payouts for quality call leads. With a plethora of options available, it is important to select a network that not only provides competitive commissions but also offers strong support, diverse campaign options, and reliable tracking tools. In this section, we will highlight some of the top Pay Per Call affiliate networks that have made a significant impact in the industry, helping affiliates achieve their financial goals and deliver optimum value to their partnering brands.

1. RingPartner

RingPartner is a popular Pay Per Call network that offers affiliates a variety of verticals to promote, including home services, insurance, and legal services. They have a user-friendly platform with advanced tracking tools and a dedicated support team for affiliates.

2. Aragon Advertising

Aragon Advertising is another reputable Pay Per Call network that offers high payouts for successful calls generated. They have a wide range of niches available and provide affiliates with real-time reporting and personalized support.

3. Invoca

Invoca is an innovative Pay Per Call network that uses artificial intelligence to optimize campaigns and improve call quality. They also offer advanced tracking and reporting tools for affiliates.

4. MoreNiche

MoreNiche is a Pay Per Call network that specializes in health, beauty, and fitness niches. They have a large community of affiliates and provide comprehensive training resources to help new affiliates succeed.

5. Commission Junction

Commission Junction is one of the largest affiliate networks with a Pay Per Call program. They work with many well-known brands and offer competitive payouts for calls generated through their platform.


Pay Per Call affiliate marketing offers a unique opportunity for individuals to earn income by promoting products and services through phone calls. With its high conversion rates, generous payouts, diverse niches, and targeted marketing capabilities, it is a promising form of online advertising. However, affiliates must also be aware of the challenges and potential risks involved in order to be successful. By choosing a reputable network and consistently optimizing their campaigns, individuals can tap into the potential of PPC affiliate marketing and generate passive income streams. So if you are ready to take your affiliate marketing game to the next level, give Pay Per Call networks a try and see the results for yourself!

Remember, with the right skills and knowledge, anyone can succeed in this field. With that said, we wish you all the best on your journey to becoming a successful Pay Per Call affiliate marketer! Keep learning, keep optimizing, and keep earning.

Thank you for reading our guide on Pay Per Call Affiliate Marketing. We hope it has provided valuable insights and information to help you get started in this lucrative field. Good luck!


What are pay per call affiliate programs, and how do they work?

Pay per call affiliate programs are performance-based marketing initiatives where affiliates earn commissions for generating phone leads for advertisers. Affiliates promote unique phone numbers, and when a lead makes a call, the affiliate earns a commission. It’s a powerful method for advertisers to connect with their audience directly.

How do I choose the right pay per call affiliate program for my niche?

Selecting the right pay per call affiliate program involves considering factors such as commission rates, tracking capabilities, and relevance to your niche. This guide provides insights into the criteria for choosing the best program for your specific industry, ensuring optimal results for your affiliate marketing efforts.

What are the advantages of joining pay per call networks as an affiliate marketer?

Pay per call networks act as intermediaries connecting affiliates with advertisers, streamlining the process of finding and promoting offers. The advantages include access to a variety of campaigns, centralized tracking and reporting, and often higher payouts. This guide explores the benefits of joining pay per call networks to enhance your affiliate marketing success.

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